Where To Get Negatively Charged Water?

Where To Get Negatively Charged Water?

There are a few places where you can get negatively charged water for photography related things:

  • Online retailers: There are a number of online retailers that sell negatively charged water for photography. This water is often bottled and sold in small quantities.
  • Camera stores: Some camera stores sell negatively charged water for photography. This water is often sold in larger quantities, such as gallons or jugs.
  • Water ionizers: You can also use a water ionizer to create your own negatively charged water for photography. Water ionizers use electricity to separate the water molecules into positively and negatively charged ions. The negatively charged ions are then added to the water, making it more alkaline.

It is important to note that no scientific evidence supports the claims that negatively charged water has any benefits for photography. However, some photographers believe it can help improve their images’ quality.

If you want to try negatively charged water for photography, I recommend starting with a small amount and gradually increasing the amount you use over time. Stop using the water immediately if you experience any negative side effects, such as streaks or spots on your images.

Making Polarized Negatively Charged Water

Here are some specific products that you can consider:

ZeroWater Pitcher: This pitcher uses a five-stage filtration process to remove impurities from water, including chlorine, lead, and mercury. It also produces negatively charged water that is said to be beneficial for photography.

Ionizer Water Bottle: This bottle uses a built-in ionizer to create negatively charged water. It is portable and easy to use, making it a good option for photographers who are on the go.

Water Ionizer Machine: This machine is a more expensive option, but it allows you to create large quantities of negatively charged water. It is a good choice for photographers who need to use a lot of negatively charged water for their work.

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