Tamron 18-300mm vs Fuji 18-135: A Comparison

Tamron 18-300mm vs Fuji 18-135: A Comparison


In this article, we will compare two popular zoom lenses for DSLR cameras: the Tamron 18-300mm and the Fuji 18-135. We’ll look at the key features, performance, and price of each lens to help you choose the one that best fits your photography needs.

Which lens has a better zoom range?

The Tamron 18-300mm has a wider zoom range compared to the Fuji 18-135. The Tamron covers a focal length range of 18-300mm, allowing for a versatile shooting experience. This makes it a great all-in-one lens for capturing anything from wide-angle landscapes to distant subjects without needing to change lenses.

On the other hand, the Fuji 18-135mm offers a slightly narrower zoom range, covering a focal length of 18-135mm. While it may not reach the same telephoto range as the Tamron, it still provides a decent zoom for everyday shooting, including portraits, street photography, and some wildlife photography.

Which lens has better image quality?

When it comes to image quality, both lenses offer impressive performance. The Tamron 18-300mm boasts excellent sharpness throughout its zoom range, making it a great choice for photographers who demand high-quality images. Additionally, its built-in vibration compensation system helps reduce camera shake, resulting in sharper images, especially at longer focal lengths.

Similarly, the Fuji 18-135mm delivers excellent image quality with minimal distortion and chromatic aberration. Its advanced optical design and use of specialized lens elements ensure sharpness and clarity, whether shooting wide-angle or telephoto. Both lenses produce outstanding image quality, making them suitable choices for various photography genres.

Which lens is more compact and lightweight?

When it comes to size and weight, the Fuji 18-135mm takes the lead. Its compact and lightweight design makes it a great option for travel and everyday photography. The lens is easy to carry and handle, allowing for effortless shooting and portability. This makes it a favorite among photographers who prioritize convenience and mobility.

In contrast, the Tamron 18-300mm is a bit larger and heavier due to its extended zoom range. While it provides versatility in focal length, it may not be as compact and lightweight as the Fuji lens. However, the Tamron’s performance and features compensate for its slightly larger size, making it a solid choice for photographers looking for an all-in-one solution.

Which lens offers better value for money?

In terms of value for money, both lenses have their merits. The Tamron 18-300mm provides an excellent value with its extensive zoom range and high-quality optics at a competitive price point. For photographers seeking a versatile lens without breaking the bank, the Tamron offers great value and performance.

The Fuji 18-135mm, while slightly pricier than the Tamron, still offers great value with its exceptional image quality, compact design, and overall performance. Its premium build and features justify the higher price tag, making it a worthwhile investment for photographers who prioritize quality and portability.


Both the Tamron 18-300mm and the Fuji 18-135 offer impressive performance and versatility for DSLR photographers. The choice between the two ultimately depends on individual preferences and shooting requirements. If you prioritize an extensive zoom range and all-in-one convenience, the Tamron 18-300mm is a great choice. On the other hand, if compactness, lightweight design, and premium image quality are your priorities, the Fuji 18-135mm would be an ideal option. Whichever lens you choose, both offer excellent value and performance for capturing a wide range of photographic subjects.


1. Can the Tamron 18-300mm and Fuji 18-135mm be used on any DSLR camera?

Yes, both lenses are designed for DSLR cameras and are compatible with various camera brands. However, it’s essential to ensure compatibility with your specific camera model before making a purchase.

2. Are the Tamron 18-300mm and Fuji 18-135mm suitable for professional photography?

While both lenses offer excellent performance and image quality, they may not meet the demanding needs of professional photographers in certain specialized genres such as sports or wildlife photography. For professional use, dedicated prime or telephoto lenses may be more suitable.

3. Do these lenses have weather-sealing for outdoor shooting?

The Fuji 18-135mm features weather-sealing, providing protection against dust and moisture, making it suitable for outdoor shooting in various conditions. On the other hand, the Tamron 18-300mm may not offer the same level of weather-sealing, so caution is essential in challenging environments.

4. Are there any third-party accessories available for the Tamron 18-300mm and Fuji 18-135mm?

Yes, there are various third-party accessories available, including lens hoods, filters, and protective cases designed for both the Tamron and Fuji lenses. These accessories can enhance the performance and protection of the lenses, providing additional value to photographers.

5. Can the Tamron 18-300mm and Fuji 18-135mm be used for video recording?

Both lenses can be used for video recording, providing versatile focal lengths for capturing cinematic scenes and dynamic footage. However, it’s important to consider the specific video recording needs and camera compatibility when choosing a lens for videography.


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