Sony E Mount vs FE Mount: What's the Difference?

Sony E Mount vs FE Mount: What’s the Difference?


Description: In this article, we will discuss the key differences between Sony E Mount and FE Mount camera lenses. We will explore the advantages and disadvantages of each mount, and provide guidance on how to choose the best option for your photography needs.

What is Sony E Mount?

Sony E Mount is a lens mount system designed for Sony’s line of mirrorless cameras. The E Mount was first introduced with the Sony NEX series of cameras, and is now widely used across Sony’s mirrorless range, including the Alpha series. E Mount lenses are specifically designed for APS-C sensor cameras and provide a lightweight and compact option for photographers.

One of the key benefits of Sony E Mount lenses is their portability. Due to the smaller size and weight, E Mount lenses are ideal for travel and street photography, where a smaller and lighter camera system is often preferred. Additionally, E Mount lenses are typically less expensive than their FE Mount counterparts, making them a budget-friendly option for photographers.

What is Sony FE Mount?

Sony FE Mount, on the other hand, is a lens mount system designed for Full-Frame mirrorless cameras. The FE Mount was introduced with the launch of Sony’s full-frame mirrorless cameras, such as the A7 series. FE Mount lenses are specifically engineered to cover the larger sensor size of full-frame cameras, providing high-quality images and exceptional low-light performance.

FE Mount lenses offer a larger image circle, which means they can cover the entire sensor area of a full-frame camera. This results in sharper images and reduced vignetting, particularly when shooting at wider apertures. Additionally, FE Mount lenses often feature advanced optical designs and premium build quality, catering to professional photographers who demand the best performance from their equipment.

Key Differences Between E Mount and FE Mount

The main difference between Sony E Mount and FE Mount lenses lies in their compatibility with different camera sensor sizes. E Mount lenses are designed for APS-C sensor cameras, while FE Mount lenses are designed for full-frame sensor cameras. As a result, these two types of lenses are not interchangeable, and using an E Mount lens on a full-frame camera may result in vignetting and reduced image quality.

Another key difference is the price point and build quality. FE Mount lenses are often more expensive than E Mount lenses due to their advanced optical designs and larger coverage of full-frame sensors. FE Mount lenses also tend to feature weather-sealing and robust construction, making them more durable and suitable for professional use.

Which Mount Should You Choose?

When choosing between Sony E Mount and FE Mount lenses, it’s important to consider the type of camera you own and your photography needs. If you own an APS-C sensor camera and prioritize portability and affordability, E Mount lenses are a suitable choice. On the other hand, if you own a full-frame camera and require top-notch image quality and low-light performance, FE Mount lenses are the ideal option.

It’s worth noting that some photographers may own both APS-C and full-frame cameras, in which case they can invest in both E Mount and FE Mount lenses to cater to different shooting scenarios. Ultimately, the decision between E Mount and FE Mount lenses depends on your specific requirements and budget.


In conclusion, Sony E Mount and FE Mount lenses cater to different camera systems and offer distinct advantages based on the photographer’s needs. E Mount lenses are compact, lightweight, and budget-friendly, making them suitable for travel and casual photography. On the other hand, FE Mount lenses deliver superior image quality and low-light performance, making them an ideal choice for professional and full-frame camera users. By understanding the differences between these two lens mounts, photographers can make informed decisions when expanding their lens collection.


1. Can I use an E Mount lens on a full-frame Sony camera?

No, E Mount lenses are specifically designed for APS-C sensor cameras and may result in vignetting and reduced image quality when used on full-frame cameras.

2. Are FE Mount lenses compatible with APS-C sensor cameras?

Yes, FE Mount lenses are compatible with APS-C sensor cameras, providing a versatile option for photographers who own both APS-C and full-frame cameras.

3. What are the main advantages of E Mount lenses?

E Mount lenses are known for their portability, affordability, and compact size, making them ideal for travel and casual photography.

4. Do FE Mount lenses offer weather-sealing and robust construction?

Yes, many FE Mount lenses feature weather-sealing and premium build quality, catering to professional photographers who require durable and high-performance equipment.

5. I own both APS-C and full-frame cameras. Should I invest in both E Mount and FE Mount lenses?

Investing in both E Mount and FE Mount lenses can provide versatility and cater to different shooting scenarios based on the type of camera you are using. It’s a practical approach for photographers who require flexibility in their lens collection.


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