Sony 24-70 GM II vs Tamron 28-75: A Comparison

Sony 24-70 GM II vs Tamron 28-75: A Comparison


In this article, we will compare two popular zoom lenses – the Sony 24-70 GM II and the Tamron 28-75. We will discuss their features, performance, and value for money to help you make an informed decision when choosing between the two.

Which lens has a better build quality?

The Sony 24-70 GM II features a robust, weather-sealed design, making it suitable for use in various shooting conditions. The lens is constructed with high-quality materials and feels premium in the hand. On the other hand, the Tamron 28-75 also boasts a solid build, although it may not be as durable as the Sony. Both lenses have metal mounts for added durability, but the Sony lens offers a more premium feel overall.

How do the lenses compare in terms of image quality?

In terms of image quality, the Sony 24-70 GM II is known for its exceptional sharpness and clarity throughout its zoom range. The lens produces stunning images with minimal distortion and aberrations, making it a favorite among professional photographers. On the other hand, the Tamron 28-75 also delivers impressive image quality, with sharpness and detail that rival more expensive options. While the Sony lens may have a slight edge in terms of image quality, the Tamron offers excellent performance considering its lower price point.

Which lens is more versatile?

The 24-70mm focal length range of the Sony lens provides a versatile zoom range, making it suitable for a wide range of photography genres. From landscapes and portraits to events and street photography, this lens can handle it all. Meanwhile, the Tamron 28-75 offers a slightly narrower focal length range, but it is still versatile enough for most shooting scenarios. If you require a wider zoom range, the Sony lens may be the better option for your needs.

What about autofocus performance?

The Sony 24-70 GM II features a fast and accurate autofocus system, making it suitable for capturing fast-moving subjects with precision. The lens also boasts a quiet and smooth autofocus motor, which is ideal for video recording. Similarly, the Tamron 28-75 also offers impressive autofocus performance, ensuring that your subjects are always in focus. While both lenses excel in this area, the Sony lens may have a slight advantage when it comes to tracking moving subjects due to its advanced autofocus technology.

Which lens offers better value for money?

When it comes to value for money, the Tamron 28-75 stands out as an excellent budget-friendly option without compromising on performance. It offers impressive image quality, a versatile focal length range, and reliable build quality at a more affordable price point. On the other hand, the Sony 24-70 GM II is a more premium offering with a higher price tag, but it delivers exceptional performance and build quality that justifies its cost for professional photographers.


Both the Sony 24-70 GM II and the Tamron 28-75 are excellent zoom lenses that cater to different needs and budgets. While the Sony lens offers superior build quality, image quality, and autofocus performance, the Tamron lens provides a compelling value proposition for those looking for a high-performing lens at a more affordable price. Ultimately, the choice between the two lenses will depend on your specific requirements and budget.


1. Can I use these lenses for landscape photography?

Yes, both the Sony 24-70 GM II and the Tamron 28-75 are suitable for capturing stunning landscape images. The wide to standard zoom range of these lenses allows you to capture wide vistas as well as closer details with ease.

2. Are these lenses compatible with full-frame cameras?

Yes, both lenses are designed for use with full-frame cameras, making them ideal for professionals and enthusiasts who want to take advantage of the entire sensor area for their photography.

3. Do these lenses perform well in low-light conditions?

Yes, both the Sony 24-70 GM II and the Tamron 28-75 offer excellent performance in low-light conditions. Their wide apertures allow for impressive low-light performance and the capture of high-quality images in challenging lighting situations.

4. Which lens is better for portraits?

Both lenses are suitable for capturing portraits, but the Sony 24-70 GM II may offer a slight advantage due to its wider aperture range, which allows for beautiful background blur and subject isolation.

5. Can I use these lenses for video recording?

Yes, both the Sony 24-70 GM II and the Tamron 28-75 are suitable for video recording, thanks to their smooth and quiet autofocus motors that ensure fast and accurate focusing without disturbing the audio recording.


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