Sigma 30mm 1.4 vs Fuji 35mm f2: A Comparison

Sigma 30mm 1.4 vs Fuji 35mm f2: A Comparison



In this article, we will compare the Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 lenses for photography. We will discuss their features, performance, and suitability for different photography situations to help you make an informed decision about which lens is best for you.

1. What are the key features of the Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2?

The Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 are both prime lenses with wide apertures, making them ideal for low light photography and creating a shallow depth of field. The Sigma 30mm 1.4 has a slightly wider aperture at f/1.4 compared to the Fuji 35mm f2’s f/2 aperture, allowing for better performance in low light conditions and more pronounced background blur.

Both lenses are designed for APS-C format cameras and offer a standard focal length, making them versatile choices for various types of photography, including portrait, street, and landscape photography. The Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 are also known for their high build quality and compact designs, perfect for on-the-go photographers.

2. How do the Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 perform in terms of image quality?

When it comes to image quality, both the Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 produce sharp, detailed images with minimal distortion and chromatic aberration. The Sigma 30mm 1.4’s wider aperture allows for excellent bokeh and a more pronounced background blur, making it a great choice for achieving a creative, blurred background effect in portrait and close-up photography.

The Fuji 35mm f2, on the other hand, delivers slightly sharper images at the center of the frame, particularly when shooting at wider apertures. However, it may not produce as creamy bokeh as the Sigma 30mm 1.4 due to its narrower maximum aperture. Both lenses excel in controlling flare and ghosting, ensuring high-contrast images in challenging lighting conditions.

3. Which lens is better suited for specific photography situations?

The Sigma 30mm 1.4’s wider aperture makes it a better choice for low light photography, such as indoor or evening portraits, as well as for achieving more dramatic background blur. The Fuji 35mm f2, while offering a narrower aperture, is more compact and lightweight, ideal for street photography and travel, where portability is essential.

Additionally, the Fuji 35mm f2’s weather-sealed construction makes it a more suitable option for outdoor photography in various weather conditions, providing added durability and peace of mind. Both lenses have fast and accurate autofocus systems, making them well-equipped for capturing moving subjects and spontaneous moments.

4. How do the prices of the Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 compare?

In terms of pricing, the Sigma 30mm 1.4 is generally more affordable compared to the Fuji 35mm f2, making it an attractive option for photographers on a budget. Despite its lower price, the Sigma 30mm 1.4 offers impressive optical performance and a wide aperture, delivering excellent value for its cost.

On the other hand, the Fuji 35mm f2 commands a higher price due to its enhanced build quality, weather resistance, and slightly sharper image quality. While it may be a more significant investment, the Fuji 35mm f2’s premium features and performance make it a compelling choice for photographers seeking top-notch optics and rugged construction.


In conclusion, both the Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 are exceptional prime lenses with distinct strengths and characteristics. The Sigma 30mm 1.4 stands out for its wide aperture, excellent bokeh, and affordability, making it a fantastic choice for low light and portrait photography. On the other hand, the Fuji 35mm f2 offers superior build quality, weather resistance, and slightly sharper image quality, making it well-suited for outdoor and travel photography.

Ultimately, the decision between these two lenses depends on the specific needs and preferences of the photographer. Whether it’s capturing stunning portraits with creamy bokeh or adventuring through rugged landscapes, both the Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 deliver outstanding performance and creative possibilities for photographers of all levels.


1. Can the Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 be used for video recording?

Yes, both lenses are suitable for video recording, thanks to their wide apertures and fast, quiet autofocus systems. The Sigma 30mm 1.4’s smooth bokeh and low light performance make it an excellent choice for cinematic effects, while the Fuji 35mm f2’s compact design and weather resistance are advantageous for outdoor videography.

2. Are these lenses compatible with full-frame cameras?

No, both the Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 are designed for APS-C format cameras and are not compatible with full-frame sensors. However, they can be used with crop-sensor mirrorless cameras from various brands, providing a versatile and high-quality shooting experience.

3. Do these lenses come with lens hoods?

Yes, both the Sigma 30mm 1.4 and the Fuji 35mm f2 come with dedicated lens hoods to protect the front element and reduce unwanted glare and flare. The hoods are designed to complement the lenses’ optical performance and enhance the overall shooting experience.

4. Which lens is better for street photography, the Sigma 30mm 1.4 or the Fuji 35mm f2?

For street photography, the Fuji 35mm f2 may be the better choice due to its compact size, weather resistance, and slightly sharper image quality. However, the Sigma 30mm 1.4’s wider aperture provides more creative flexibility for capturing unique street scenes and isolating subjects from busy backgrounds.

5. Can these lenses be used for astrophotography?

While both lenses can be used for astrophotography, the Sigma 30mm 1.4’s wider aperture may be more advantageous for capturing stunning night sky images and star trails. The Fuji 35mm f2’s weather-sealed construction, however, can provide added protection during outdoor astrophotography sessions.


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