Olympus 9-18mm vs Panasonic 8-18mm: A Comparison

Olympus 9-18mm vs Panasonic 8-18mm: A Comparison


In this article, we will compare the Olympus 9-18mm and the Panasonic 8-18mm lenses for photography. We will discuss their features, performance, and suitability for different types of photography. By the end of this comparison, you will have a better understanding of which lens may be the best choice for your photography needs.

Which Lens Offers a Wider Focal Range?

The Olympus 9-18mm lens offers a focal length range of 9-18mm, making it suitable for wide-angle shots. This range is ideal for landscape photography, architecture, and interior shots. It provides a wide field of view, allowing you to capture expansive scenes with ease.

On the other hand, the Panasonic 8-18mm lens offers a slightly wider focal length range of 8-18mm. This extra 1mm can make a difference in certain shooting situations, especially when you need to capture a broader view of the scene. The Panasonic lens is also well-suited for landscape and architectural photography.

Which Lens Offers Better Image Quality?

When it comes to image quality, both lenses are capable of producing sharp and detailed images. However, the Olympus 9-18mm has been praised for its minimal distortion and excellent edge-to-edge sharpness. This makes it a great choice for photographers who prioritize image quality above all else.

The Panasonic 8-18mm also delivers impressive image quality with minimal distortion, especially at the wider end of the focal range. Its optical performance is highly regarded, and it produces clear and vibrant images across the frame. Both lenses offer superior image quality, making them reliable options for professional photographers.

Which Lens is More Compact and Lightweight?

Size and weight are important considerations for photographers who need to travel light or work in confined spaces. The Olympus 9-18mm is praised for its compact and lightweight design, making it an excellent choice for travel and street photography. Its portable nature allows photographers to carry it for extended periods without fatigue.

On the other hand, the Panasonic 8-18mm is slightly larger and heavier than the Olympus lens. While it is not as compact, it still offers a reasonable amount of portability for photographers on the go. The differences in size and weight may influence your decision, depending on your specific shooting needs.


Both the Olympus 9-18mm and the Panasonic 8-18mm lenses have their strengths and weaknesses. The Olympus lens offers a wider focal length range and is more compact and lightweight, making it an ideal choice for photographers who prioritize portability and versatility. On the other hand, the Panasonic lens provides slightly better image quality and is suitable for photographers who require a wider angle of view without compromising on optical performance.

In the end, the choice between these two lenses comes down to your specific photography needs and shooting preferences. Consider factors such as focal length range, image quality, size, and weight to make an informed decision about which lens is the best fit for your photography style.


1. Can I use these lenses for portrait photography?

While both lenses are primarily designed for wide-angle shots, they can still be used for portrait photography, especially in environmental portrait settings. Keep in mind that the wider focal length may introduce distortion, so it’s important to consider your framing and composition carefully.

2. Do these lenses have weather-sealing?

Both the Olympus 9-18mm and the Panasonic 8-18mm lenses are weather-sealed, offering protection against dust and moisture. This feature makes them suitable for outdoor photography in various weather conditions.

3. Are these lenses compatible with mirrorless cameras?

Yes, both lenses are designed for use with mirrorless cameras, and they are compatible with Micro Four Thirds camera systems. They offer a versatile and lightweight solution for photographers using mirrorless camera bodies.

4. Which lens is better for shooting architecture and interior photography?

Both lenses are well-suited for architecture and interior photography, thanks to their wide-angle capabilities. The choice between the two will depend on your specific preferences for image quality, focal length range, and portability.

5. Can I use these lenses for video recording?

Yes, both lenses are suitable for video recording, offering smooth and silent autofocus and wide-angle coverage for cinematic shots. Their compact and lightweight design also makes them ideal for handheld or gimbal-mounted video work.


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