Nikon 24-120 vs Canon 24-105: A Comparison

Nikon 24-120 vs Canon 24-105: A Comparison


A comparison of the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 lenses is essential, especially for photographers and videographers who want to invest in a reliable zoom lens. In this article, we will delve into the features, performance, and overall value of these two popular lens options. We will also explore the key differences and similarities between the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105, to help you make an informed decision when considering a zoom lens for your photography or videography needs.

Which lens offers better image quality?

Both the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 are well-regarded for their exceptional image quality. The Nikon lens features a 17-element, 13-group design, while the Canon lens boasts a 18-element, 13-group construction. Both lenses perform admirably in various lighting conditions, delivering sharp images with minimal distortion and chromatic aberration. However, some photographers have noted that the Nikon 24-120 produces slightly better image quality, particularly at the longer end of the zoom range. Additionally, the Nikon lens incorporates advanced optical coatings that help reduce lens flare and ghosting, resulting in superior image contrast and color rendition. On the other hand, the Canon 24-105 is lauded for its impressive sharpness and color accuracy, making it a reliable choice for capturing stunning photographs and videos.

In terms of image stabilization, both lenses are equipped with built-in stabilization technology to minimize camera shake and produce sharper images. The Nikon 24-120 features Nikon’s Vibration Reduction (VR) technology, while the Canon 24-105 incorporates Canon’s Image Stabilization (IS) system. Both systems provide effective stabilization, allowing photographers to shoot handheld at slower shutter speeds without compromising image quality. Overall, while both lenses offer excellent image quality, the Nikon 24-120 may have a slight edge in terms of overall sharpness and color rendering.

Which lens has better build quality and durability?

When it comes to build quality and durability, both the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 are constructed to withstand the rigors of professional use. The Nikon lens features a robust, weather-sealed design that offers protection against dust and moisture, making it well-suited for outdoor photography and challenging environments. In addition, the lens barrel is constructed from high-quality materials, providing a reassuring sense of durability and reliability. The Canon 24-105 also boasts a solid build quality, with a rugged construction that can withstand the demands of regular use. However, some users have reported that the lens may be more susceptible to dust and moisture ingress compared to the Nikon 24-120.

Ergonomically, both lenses are well-designed, featuring smooth zoom and focus rings that offer precise control and comfortable handling. The zoom and focus rings on the Nikon 24-120 provide a tactile and responsive feel, allowing photographers to make quick adjustments with confidence. Similarly, the Canon 24-105 offers a user-friendly design, with well-damped rings that ensure smooth operation. Overall, both lenses exhibit excellent build quality and durability, with the Nikon 24-120 potentially having a slight advantage in terms of weather-sealing and overall resilience.

Which lens is more versatile in terms of focal length and usability?

When it comes to versatility, the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 offer a useful range of focal lengths that make them suitable for a wide variety of photography and videography applications. The Nikon lens provides a 24-120mm focal length range, allowing photographers to capture wide-angle landscapes, portraits, and telephoto shots with ease. This versatile range makes the lens ideal for travel, events, and everyday photography. The Canon 24-105 offers a slightly narrower focal length range of 24-105mm, providing similar flexibility for various shooting scenarios. Both lenses excel in delivering sharp and detailed images across their focal length ranges, making them well-suited for a diverse range of photographic subjects.

In terms of usability, both lenses offer intuitive controls and smooth operation, allowing photographers to easily adjust settings and capture stunning imagery. The Nikon 24-120 features a versatile zoom range that enables quick composition adjustments, while the Canon 24-105 offers seamless integration with Canon’s EOS ecosystem, providing a seamless shooting experience for Canon users. Overall, both lenses are highly versatile in terms of focal length and usability, catering to the needs of photographers and videographers across different genres and shooting conditions.

Which lens offers better value for money?

When it comes to value for money, the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 both offer excellent performance and features at their respective price points. The Nikon lens provides superb image quality, versatile focal length range, and robust build quality, making it a compelling choice for enthusiasts and professionals alike. Additionally, the inclusion of advanced optical coatings and effective image stabilization further enhances the overall value of the lens. The Canon 24-105 also delivers impressive image quality, versatile usability, and durable construction, offering excellent value for photographers and videographers seeking a reliable zoom lens.

Ultimately, the choice between the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 comes down to personal preferences and specific needs. Both lenses have their own strengths and advantages, making them viable options for photographers and videographers looking to invest in a high-quality zoom lens. Regardless of your choice, both the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 are capable of delivering exceptional results, cementing their positions as top contenders in the world of professional zoom lenses.


Both the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 are excellent zoom lenses that offer exceptional performance, versatile usability, and great value for photographers and videographers. Each lens has its own strengths, whether it’s the superior image quality of the Nikon 24-120 or the solid build and seamless integration of the Canon 24-105. Ultimately, the choice between these two lenses will depend on individual preferences, specific shooting conditions, and brand loyalty. Regardless of your decision, both the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 are capable of delivering outstanding results in various photographic and videography applications.


1. Can I use the Nikon 24-120 or the Canon 24-105 for video recording?

Yes, both the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 are well-suited for video recording, thanks to their versatile focal length ranges, image stabilization systems, and excellent image quality. Whether you’re capturing cinematic scenes, vlogging, or documentary footage, these lenses can deliver exceptional video performance.

2. Are these lenses compatible with full-frame and crop sensor cameras?

Yes, both the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 are compatible with full-frame and crop sensor cameras, making them versatile options for photographers using different camera bodies. The lenses perform admirably on both types of camera systems, providing excellent image quality and usability.

3. Can I use the Nikon 24-120 or the Canon 24-105 for low-light photography?

Yes, both lenses are suitable for low-light photography, thanks to their effective image stabilization systems and wide maximum apertures. Whether you’re shooting handheld in dimly lit environments or capturing nighttime scenes, these lenses can produce sharp, detailed images with minimal noise and blur.

4. Which lens is lighter and more portable – the Nikon 24-120 or the Canon 24-105?

The Nikon 24-120 is slightly lighter and more compact compared to the Canon 24-105, making it a convenient option for photographers on the go. The lens’s lightweight construction and portable design make it an ideal choice for travel photography and outdoor shooting.

5. Are these lenses compatible with lens filters and accessories?

Yes, both the Nikon 24-120 and the Canon 24-105 are compatible with a wide range of lens filters and accessories, allowing photographers to enhance their creativity and expand their shooting capabilities. Whether you need to use polarizers, UV filters, or lens hoods, these lenses offer seamless compatibility with various accessories.


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