Fujifilm X100V Vs Leica Q2; Full Comparison

Fujifilm X100V Vs Leica Q2; Full Comparison

The Fujifilm X100V and the Leica Q2 are both excellent cameras, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. Here is a comparison of the two cameras:

Sensor and Image Quality

The Leica Q2 has a larger full-frame sensor (47.3 megapixels) than the Fujifilm X100V (26.1 megapixels). This means that the Leica Q2 has the potential to produce sharper images with more detail, especially in low light.

However, the Fujifilm X100V’s APS-C sensor is still capable of producing excellent image quality, and it is also less prone to moiré and aliasing artifacts.


The Leica Q2 has a wider 28mm fixed lens (full-frame equivalent) than the Fujifilm X100V’s 35mm fixed lens (APS-C equivalent).

This makes the Leica Q2 a better choice for landscape and architectural photography, while the Fujifilm X100V is better for street photography and portraiture.

Why the Fuji X100V is Better than the LEICA Q2


The Leica Q2 has faster and more accurate autofocus than the Fujifilm X100V. This is due to the Leica Q2’s larger sensor and faster processor. However, the Fujifilm X100V’s autofocus is still good enough for most situations.

Build Quality and Ergonomics

The Leica Q2 is built to a much higher standard than the Fujifilm X100V. The Leica Q2 is made from metal and glass, while the Fujifilm X100V is made from plastic and metal. The Leica Q2 is also more weather-sealed than the Fujifilm X100V.


The Leica Q2 is significantly more expensive than the Fujifilm X100V. The Leica Q2 costs around $5,000, while the Fujifilm X100V costs around $1,400.


The Leica Q2 is a better camera for photographers who demand the best possible image quality and build quality. The Fujifilm X100V is a better camera for photographers who want a more affordable option with a wider lens and better ergonomics.

Ultimately, the best camera for you will depend on your individual needs and budget. If you are looking for the best possible image quality and build quality, then the Leica Q2 is the better choice. However, if you are looking for a more affordable option with a wider lens and better ergonomics, then the Fujifilm X100V is a great choice.

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