Fuji 16-80 Vs. 18-55

Fuji 16-80 Vs. 18-55: Comparing Fuji X-Series Lenses

When it comes to Fuji X-Series lenses, choosing the right one can significantly impact the outcome of your photographs. In this article, we’ll explore and compare two popular Fuji lenses: the Fuji 16-80mm and the Fuji 18-55mm. 

By understanding their features, performance, and suitability for various photography styles, you can make an informed decision on which lens is best for you.

What to know about Fuji 16-80mm Lens?

The Fuji 16-80mm lens is a versatile zoom lens designed for Fujifilm X-Series cameras. It covers a focal length range equivalent to 24-120mm in full-frame terms, making it suitable for a wide range of photography genres, including landscapes, portraits, and travel photography.

The Fuji 16-80mm lens boasts an impressive maximum aperture range of f/4, providing good low-light performance and the ability to create a shallow depth of field when desired. It incorporates advanced optics, including aspherical and extra-low dispersion elements, to deliver sharp, high-resolution images.

Performance and image quality

The Fuji 16-80mm lens offers excellent image quality with minimal distortion and chromatic aberration throughout its focal length range. It produces vibrant colors, accurate autofocus, and remarkable detail, ensuring that your photographs are sharp and visually appealing.

What is Fuji 16-80mm equivalent to?

The Fuji 16-80mm lens has an equivalent focal length range of approximately 24-120mm in full-frame terms. This is because Fujifilm X-Series cameras have a crop factor of 1.5x. 

So, when you mount the 16-80mm lens on a Fujifilm X-Series camera, the effective focal length will be 1.5 times longer than the focal length stated on the lens itself. For example, the 16mm focal length on the lens becomes equivalent to 24mm on a full-frame camera, and the 80mm focal length becomes equivalent to 120mm on a full-frame camera. 

This extended focal length makes the lens suitable for various photography genres, including landscapes, portraits, and travel photography.

Fujifilm 16-80mm F4 Hands-on Quick Review

What to know about Fuji 18-55mm Lens?

The Fuji 18-55mm lens is another popular option among Fuji X-Series users. It covers a focal length range equivalent to 27-84mm in full-frame terms and is often bundled as a kit lens with Fuji X-Series camera bodies.

The Fuji 18-55mm lens features a maximum aperture range of f/2.8-f/4, providing a wider aperture than the 16-80mm lens at certain focal lengths. It incorporates optical image stabilization, which helps reduce camera shake and allows for sharper handheld shots in challenging lighting conditions.

Performance and image quality

The Fuji 18-55mm lens delivers impressive image quality, offering sharpness and clarity throughout its focal length range. It produces natural-looking colors and exhibits minimal distortion, making it suitable for a variety of photography genres, including street photography and everyday shooting.

What is Fuji 16 55 equivalent to?

The Fuji 16-55mm lens, when mounted on a Fujifilm X-Series camera with a crop factor of 1.5x, has an equivalent focal length range of approximately 24-82.5mm in full-frame terms. 

This means that the 16mm focal length on the lens is equal to 24mm on a full-frame camera, and the 55mm focal length is equivalent to 82.5mm on a full-frame camera. 

The lens offers a versatile focal length range, making it suitable for various photography genres, including landscapes, portraits, street photography, and everyday shooting.

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Comparison: Fuji 16-80mm vs. 18-55mm

Here’s a detailed comparison table between the Fuji 16-80mm and 18-55mm lenses:

FeatureFuji 16-80mmFuji 18-55mm
Focal Length Range16-80mm (24-120mm in full-frame equiv.)18-55mm (27-82.5mm in full-frame equiv.)
Maximum Aperturef/4f/2.8-f/4
Image StabilizationNoYes
Optical Design16 elements in 12 groups14 elements in 10 groups
Special Elements4 aspherical, 3 ED3 aspherical, 1 ED
Weather ResistanceYesNo
Minimum Focus0.35m0.3m
Filter Size72mm58mm
WeightApprox. 440gApprox. 310g
Dimensions78.3mm x 88.9mm65.0mm x 70.4mm
Fuji 16-80 Vs. 18-55

Here’s a deeper comparison of the features:

  • Focal Length Range:
    • The Fuji 16-80mm lens offers a wider focal length range, providing more versatility for different types of photography.
    • The Fuji 18-55mm lens has a slightly shorter focal length range but is still suitable for various photography genres.
  • Maximum Aperture:
    • The Fuji 16-80mm lens has a constant maximum aperture of f/4 throughout its zoom range.
    • The Fuji 18-55mm lens has a wider maximum aperture range of f/2.8 at the wide end, allowing for better low-light performance and depth of field control.
  • Image Stabilization:
    • The Fuji 16-80mm lens does not have built-in optical image stabilization.
    • The Fuji 18-55mm lens incorporates optical image stabilization, which helps reduce camera shake and allows for sharper handheld shots in challenging lighting conditions.
  • Optical Design:
    • The Fuji 16-80mm lens has a more complex optical design with 16 elements in 12 groups, including aspherical and ED (Extra-low Dispersion) elements.
    • The Fuji 18-55mm lens has 14 elements in 10 groups, including aspherical and ED elements.
  • Weather Resistance:
    • The Fuji 16-80mm lens features weather resistance, making it suitable for shooting in challenging weather conditions.
    • The Fuji 18-55mm lens does not have weather resistance.
  • Minimum Focus Distance:
    • The Fuji 16-80mm lens has a minimum focus distance of 0.35m, allowing for close-up shots.
    • The Fuji 18-55mm lens has a slightly shorter minimum focus distance of 0.3m.
  • Filter Size:
    • The Fuji 16-80mm lens has a larger filter size of 72mm, allowing for the use of larger filters.
    • The Fuji 18-55mm lens has a smaller filter size of 58mm.
  • Weight and Dimensions:
    • The Fuji 16-80mm lens is slightly heavier and larger in size compared to the Fuji 18-55mm lens.

It’s important to consider these features and specifications based on your specific photography needs and shooting preferences to decide which lens suits you best.

Which Lens is Better for Your Needs? | Fujifilm 16-80 vs 18-55

Fuji 18-55 vs. 16-80 sharpness comparison

Regarding sharpness, both the Fuji 18-55mm and 16-80mm lenses offer excellent image quality. However, there are a few factors to consider:

Fuji 18-55mm Lens

The Fuji 18-55mm lens is renowned for its impressive sharpness across the entire zoom range. It delivers excellent detail and clarity, even when shooting wide open at f/2.8. The lens is known for its edge-to-edge sharpness, making it suitable for professional and demanding applications.

Fuji 16-80mm Lens

The Fuji 16-80mm lens also provides impressive sharpness, although it may slightly decrease sharpness at the extreme ends of the zoom range. However, the overall sharpness is still very good, and the lens delivers excellent results across most focal lengths and apertures.

It’s worth noting that the sharpness of a lens can vary slightly between individual copies due to manufacturing tolerances. Factors such as shooting technique, focusing accuracy, and the specific camera body used can also influence sharpness.

In general, both the Fuji 18-55mm and 16-80mm lenses are highly regarded for their sharpness and image quality. The choice between them may depend more on other factors such as focal length range, maximum aperture, image stabilization, and weather resistance, as discussed in the previous comparison.

Price and value for money

The Fuji 18-55mm lens is often considered more affordable, especially when purchased as a kit lens. The 16-80mm lens, with its wider focal length range and additional features, comes at a higher price point but offers excellent value for photographers looking for increased versatility.

Choosing the Right Lens for You:

A. Identify your photography needs and shooting style: Consider the types of photography you engage in most frequently and determine the focal length range that best suits your shooting style and subject preferences.

B. Consider the focal length range and desired flexibility: If you require a wider focal length range for capturing diverse subjects, the Fuji 16-80mm lens might be the better option. However, if compactness and lightweight are a priority, the Fuji 18-55mm lens could be more suitable.

C. Evaluate image quality and performance factors: Assess the image quality, sharpness, color rendition, and other performance factors that are important to you. Both lenses deliver excellent image quality, but your specific requirements may sway your decision.

D. Weigh the importance of other features and specifications: Consider features like maximum aperture, image stabilization, and weather resistance based on your shooting preferences and the conditions in which you typically photograph.

E. Factor in your budget and long-term investment: Determine your budget and the value you place on the features and performance of each lens. Consider your long-term goals in photography and how the lens will fit into your future gear lineup.


In conclusion, the Fuji 16-80mm and 18-55mm lenses are both excellent choices for Fujifilm X-Series camera users. By comparing their focal length ranges, aperture capabilities, image stabilization, build quality, and pricing, you can make an informed decision based on your photography needs and preferences. Remember to prioritize factors such as versatility, image quality, and portability to choose the lens that will best enhance your photographic journey.

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