Canon 100-400 II vs I: A Comparison

Canon 100-400 II vs I: A Comparison


In this article, we will compare the Canon 100-400mm II and I lenses, discussing their key differences, performance, and overall value for photographers.

What are the key differences between the Canon 100-400mm II and I lenses?

The Canon 100-400mm II and I lenses are both popular telephoto zoom lenses among photographers. The key differences between the two lenses lie in their build quality, image stabilization, and autofocus performance.

The Canon 100-400mm II features improved optics and a sturdier build, making it more durable and weather-resistant compared to its predecessor. Additionally, the II version boasts faster and quieter autofocus, as well as an upgraded image stabilization system for sharper images at longer focal lengths.

How do the Canon 100-400mm II and I lenses compare in terms of performance?

When it comes to performance, the Canon 100-400mm II outshines its predecessor in several aspects. The II version delivers superior image quality, especially at the longer end of the zoom range. Its improved image stabilization allows for sharper handheld shots, even at slower shutter speeds. Furthermore, the faster and quieter autofocus of the II lens makes it well-suited for capturing fast-moving subjects, such as wildlife or sports.

On the other hand, the Canon 100-400mm I lens still delivers solid performance, particularly for photographers looking for a more budget-friendly option. While it may not offer the same level of image quality and advanced features as the II version, it can still produce impressive results in the right hands.

Which Canon 100-400mm lens offers better value for photographers?

Overall, the Canon 100-400mm II lens offers better value for photographers seeking top-notch performance and durability. Its upgraded features and enhanced optical quality make it a worthy investment for professionals and enthusiasts alike. However, for those on a tighter budget or who may not require the most advanced capabilities, the Canon 100-400mm I lens can still be a reliable choice for capturing stunning imagery.


In conclusion, the Canon 100-400mm II and I lenses both have their own strengths and weaknesses. The II version sets itself apart with superior image quality, advanced features, and robust build, making it an ideal choice for photographers who demand the best performance. On the other hand, the I version remains a viable option for those looking for a more affordable telephoto zoom lens without sacrificing too much in terms of image quality and functionality.


1. Can the Canon 100-400mm II lens be used with a teleconverter?

Yes, the Canon 100-400mm II lens is compatible with Canon teleconverters, allowing photographers to extend its reach and achieve even longer focal lengths.

2. How do the minimum focus distances of the Canon 100-400mm II and I lenses compare?

The minimum focus distance of the Canon 100-400mm II lens is slightly shorter than that of the I version, allowing for closer focusing on subjects at the telephoto end.

3. Is the Canon 100-400mm II lens compatible with Canon’s dual-pixel autofocus technology?

Yes, the Canon 100-400mm II lens features compatibility with Canon’s dual-pixel autofocus technology, providing enhanced focusing capabilities for both stills and video recording.

4. What are the main advantages of the Canon 100-400mm I lens over the II version?

The Canon 100-400mm I lens offers a more budget-friendly option for photographers and still delivers solid performance, making it a suitable choice for those looking to save money without compromising too much on image quality.

5. Are both Canon 100-400mm lenses compatible with full-frame and APS-C cameras?

Yes, both the Canon 100-400mm II and I lenses are compatible with full-frame and APS-C sensor cameras, providing versatility for photographers using different camera systems.


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