A7R II vs A7R III: A Comparison

A7R II vs A7R III: A Comparison


In this article, we will compare the A7R II and A7R III cameras to help you make an informed decision about which one is right for you. We will discuss their key features, differences, and similarities, as well as provide a conclusion to guide your purchase.

What are the key differences between the A7R II and A7R III?

The A7R II and A7R III are both high-resolution full-frame mirrorless cameras from Sony, but they do have some key differences. The A7R II features a 42.4-megapixel sensor, while the A7R III boasts a 61-megapixel sensor, providing even higher resolution images. Additionally, the A7R III has improved autofocus performance with 567 phase-detection and 425 contrast-detection AF points, compared to the A7R II’s 399 phase-detection AF points. The A7R III also offers enhanced battery life, better ergonomic design, and dual card slots for added storage capacity.

What are the similarities between the A7R II and A7R III?

Despite their differences, the A7R II and A7R III share many similarities. Both cameras feature 5-axis in-body image stabilization, 4K video recording capabilities, and a weather-sealed magnesium alloy body for improved durability. They also have a similar ISO range, electronic viewfinder, and tilting LCD screen, making them well-suited for a variety of shooting conditions and styles.

Which camera is better for still photography?

When it comes to still photography, the A7R III has the edge over the A7R II due to its higher resolution sensor, improved autofocus, and enhanced ergonomics. The A7R III’s 61-megapixel sensor allows for extremely detailed and sharp images, making it the ideal choice for professional photographers and enthusiasts who prioritize image quality. Its advanced autofocus system also ensures quick and accurate subject tracking, resulting in better overall performance for still photography.

Which camera is better for videography?

Both the A7R II and A7R III offer impressive video recording capabilities, including 4K recording and in-body image stabilization. However, the A7R III’s improved autofocus, dual card slots, and longer battery life make it a better choice for videography. The enhanced autofocus system allows for smoother and more reliable focus tracking during video capture, while the dual card slots provide added storage capacity for longer recording sessions. Additionally, the A7R III’s longer battery life ensures extended shooting time, which is crucial for videographers.


In conclusion, the A7R II and A7R III are both excellent cameras with their own strengths and weaknesses. The A7R III offers higher resolution, improved autofocus, and better overall performance, making it the superior choice for both still photography and videography. However, the A7R II remains a capable and more affordable option for those on a budget, with many of the same features and functionalities. Ultimately, the decision between the two cameras will depend on your specific needs and preferences as a photographer or videographer.


1. Can the A7R II and A7R III use the same lenses?

Yes, both the A7R II and A7R III can use the same E-mount lenses, as they share the same lens mount. This provides a wide range of lens options for both cameras.

2. Does the A7R III have better low-light performance than the A7R II?

Both cameras have a similar ISO range, but the A7R III’s higher resolution sensor allows for larger prints without sacrificing image quality, making it more suited for low-light photography.

3. Is the A7R III worth the higher price compared to the A7R II?

For photographers and videographers who value high resolution, improved autofocus, and better overall performance, the A7R III is definitely worth the higher price. However, for those on a budget, the A7R II still offers solid performance at a more affordable cost.

4. Can the A7R II and A7R III shoot in continuous burst mode?

Yes, both cameras can shoot in continuous burst mode, but the A7R III’s improved autofocus and processing speed allow for a faster and more reliable shooting experience.

5. Does the A7R III have any additional features that the A7R II does not have?

Yes, the A7R III has several additional features, including a higher resolution sensor, improved autofocus, better battery life, and dual card slots, making it a more advanced and versatile camera compared to the A7R II.


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